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So much of our daily lives gets turned into data -- our online shopping purchases, phone calls, family photos. We're all surrounded by data, and learning how to harness it could be more transformative than we realize. This week, a look at the new data specialists using their knowledge of numbers...Read more


Ira Glass has helped reinvent storytelling on the radio.  But he says it took him years to learn how to tell a good radio tale.  In this hour of To the Best of Our Knowledge, Ira Glass ont the art of telling stories.  We’ll also visit The Moth – the mecca of storytelling in New York City.  And...Read more


The holidays can be challenging.  All that togetherness can be like squishing a passel of porcupines into a sardine can.  In other words - not nice.  On the other hand, there is a bright side.  Po Bronson found it in the lives of families across the country.  In this hour of To the Best of Our...Read more

a statue

Nearly 2500 years ago, Socrates celebrated the pursuit of wisdom, and famously said “the unexamined life is not worth living.”  But does rigorous self examination actually lead to a happy or fulfilled life?  It didn’t seem to work some of history’s most famous philosophers, including...Read more


Any day now, the United States will welcome the three hundred millionth American. He or she may be a new born baby, or someone who comes across the border – legally or illegally.  In this hour of To the Best of Our Knowledge, we’ll look at America’s changing demographics, and consider the price...Read more


After 11 years of isolation in New England, Nathan Zuckerman returns to New York City. Now 71, Zuckerman discovers that a lot has changed. In this hour of To the Best of Our Knowledge, we'll meet Nathan Zuckerman's creator, the renowned novelist, Philip Roth. And we'll find out how both Roth...Read more


Jonathan Kaplan is a field doctor who travels to war zones around the world.  He treats people who’ve been shot or maimed.  Many of his patients die on the operating table.  In this hour of To the Best of Our Knowledge what war looks like from the inside.  Also singer/songwriter Steve Earle...Read more


If you ever find yourself on a dark country road in Ireland, bring along some salt, red thread, and a cross.  That’s what you’ll need to protect yourself from “the other crowd.”  Next time on To the Best of Our Knowledge, the fairies of Ireland.  They’re magical, vengeful, and still alive and...Read more


Cult film director John Waters has been described as the "Pope of filth" and the "King of Trash."  To put it mildly, his films have, well, transgressed the boundaries of good taste.  In this hour of To the Best of Our Knowledge, pushing the limits in film with John Waters.  We'll...Read more

An independent woman.

For the first time in American history, young women are choosing independence over marriage.  Single women today outnumber married women and have more political power than ever before.  It's what Susan B. Anthony, Margaret Sanger and other feminist icons predicted.  This hour, how...Read more


What makes a scientific revolution?  Thomas Kuhn said it’s when a new paradigm blows the old scientific model out of the water.  Fifty years later, we examine Kuhn's legacy, and talk with iconoclastic scientist Rupert Sheldrake, who says science is mired in untested dogmas.  Also, stories of two...Read more


Next time you catch an old episode of the Flying Nun, you may want to pay attention.  Because today’s convents are closing.  The average nun is seventy years old, and even devout sisters often have to bite their tongues when they talk about the pope.  In this hour of To the Best of Our Knowledge...Read more

farm fields

The Back to the Land spirit of the 60s lives on today, in the proliferation of farmer's markets, and the increased interest in sustainability and growing our own food.  From the fight to end food waste in America to the art of living small, we'll find out what the Back to the Land spirit...Read more


Whether black from a bottomless cup or as a Frappuccino mocha skim latte, it’s our culture’s elixir, coffee.  In this hour of To the Best of Our Knowledge, java, joe, or a cup of mud.  Most of us drink it everyday, but few of us know the effects it has on the world’s economy, or even...Read more


Did you know that Teddy Roosevelt was one of nine U.S. presidents who had hooks for hands? Well, that's just one of countless facts included in John Hodgman's new almanac. But, as it turns out, all of these facts are fake. In this hour of the Peabody Award-winning To the Best of Our Knowledge,...Read more


Imagine a country where Islam is the dominant religion but Christians, Jews and Muslims still live together peacefully – a place where philosophers from all three religions talk and debate openly. Well, there was once such a culture in the Middle Ages. For centuries, Al Andalus was the beacon of...Read more

guns and the forefathers

Guns are a part of our national mythology. Just consider the Western, Annie Oakley, Daniel Boone -- it's hard to deny the role guns had in shaping America.

But what if all those stories were exaggerated at best? What if the gun myth was created in the 19th ...Read more


Here’s the truth: the wild romance will probably end. Wedding vows, intimacy, heartache… they can have a long shelf-life. But those butterflies in your stomach? Wild libidinal longings? They tend to quiet over time.

So what happens after the romance ends? From passionate marriage, to ...Read more

I shall never be content until the beneficent influence of the University reaches every family of the state. UW President Charles Van Hise in 1905

If you live in Wisconsin, chances are you've heard of the Wisconsin Idea. It's the century-old dream of sharing the best of higher education with the entire state -- bringing the values of the liberal arts, scientific knowledge and search for truth to everyone. It's a cherished tradition,...Read more

a muse

How does creative work get done? When the answer finally comes to a question that's dogged you for weeks or years, where is it coming from?


In this special hour, Nathan Englander - acclaimed novelist, short story writer, playwright - is our guest...Read more


Celebrate Midsummer's Eve with a visit to the fey folk. In this hour of To the Best of Our Knowledge, we'll have an hour filled with stories of changelings and other-kin, Fairy Courts and green children. We'll conjure up a world of enchantment, but beware! There are no Tinkerbells in the world....Read more


Imagine living your whole life in excruciating pain, 24/7, and actually choosing to go without any pain medication.  Next time on To the Best of Our Knowledge, one man’s permanent pain.  And is a teenager slashing her arms with a razor a cry for help or an ancient ritual of sacred pain?  Also,...Read more


Cameron Sinclair has something to say to architects out there: design like you give a damn. The founder of Architects for Humanity says the houses and office buildings we build today will literally shape the world our children inherit. So give a damn. In this hour of To the Best of Our...Read more


Do you believe in magic?  In this hour of To the Best of Our Knowledge we’ll talk with some people who do.  Join us for a conversation with America’s favorite witch – Starhawk.  And uncover your own inner wizard!  What Merlin, Dumbledore and Gandalf have to teach us all about living a life...Read more
